Mother's Day Gifts!

Mother's Day is right around the corner!
These are the adorable gifts we make for our moms!

Some years I use spider plants and other years we have planted seeds.
Last year I even bought some pretty flowers to plant because our seeds hadn't come up yet!!!

When I do spider plants, we always start by putting the spider babies in a cup of water.
This way the kids can watch the roots begin to grow!

Once we see the roots, we plant!

The kids are always so proud of their plants for mom!!

This is the fun part!!!
We paint our hands to make a handprint butterfly.
It adds a whole lot of color and prettiness to our gifts!

Here's what they look like when they're done!
(without eyes anyway, ha!)
We add popsicle sticks to the back so they can stand (or fly!) in the dirt.
The kids twist together two pipe cleaners for the antennae. 
That parts a little tricky ;)

We also add a little poem to the plant.
You can grab it here!
Here's everything ready to go!

Don't the look so pretty!?!?!?

Here's a close up!!!

We wrap them up with tissue paper and add some ribbon.

I just love how bright and colorful they are!!!

We also make these sweet little poems for mom.

I love these little book by A Year of Many Firsts too!

What do you make for your moms? :)


  1. Your plants are DARLING! Love those butterflies! And we absolutely LOVE your Mom books! They are just perfect. :)


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