Class Parties Made Easy!

Does planning your class parties stress you out?
This Party Planning pack will make your life so much easier!

This pack has EVERYTHING you need to plan your class parties...all year long!
Here's how it works!

Print up these adorable little party pages.
Mount on pretty colored paper if you'd like. :)

There's a sign up sheet for Halloween, Thanksgiving, Holiday, Christmas, Hanukkah, 100th Day, Valentine's Day, St. Patrick's Day, Easter, and End of the Year.

(There are also EDITABLE versions included so you can ask for the goodies you want!)

Leave the sign up sheets out at Open House, Curriculum Night, or any other event you have at the beginning of the year.

Parents simply write their names next to the goody they want to bring.
Easy peasy!

(TIP: Laminate and have parents sign up with a marker that will wipe off.  
Then you use them again next year!!!!!)

When it comes time for the party, pull out your trusty little sign up sheets and fill out these reminders!
Just fill in what each parent signed up to bring, the date, and how many kids are in your class.
OR you can use the EDITABLE version and fill it in on your computer!
I've used these since my first year teaching and they are SO helpful!
It makes party planning way less stressful because everyone's already volunteered.
(Another tip would be to mark on your calendar when you want to send the reminders home!)

Happy Party Planning!

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